Monday, August 13, 2012

Wedding Showers, etc...

Whew. Things are coming along wonderfully and everything's happening fast now. :)

Jacob's mom had a wedding shower for us yesterday (Sunday afternoon) and it was embarrassing. :) It's been really something getting used to how big Jacob's family is...get-togethers just aren't small, that's for sure! Couple that with the fact that I am NOT comfortable at all being the center (or even half the center) of attention...and yikes! Thankfully, all we had to do was eat and open games or anything like that. Whew. :) There were probably over 100 people there yesterday...

Dave got a few pictures for me. Poor Jacob got stung by a wasp Friday (he jinxed himself...when he was over Thursday he said something about his luck, he'd get stung the day before the wedding) and his eye was still a little swollen. He'd been wearing sunglasses all day Saturday (I spent Saturday evening at our and their house) and he had them on when I got there early on Sunday. I whined a bit (oops) and he took them off for me, while we opened presents. He's so sweet.

Here are a few pictures...
Our own family Bible...
I hate that this picture turned out fuzzy, so you can't really tell what this is, but it's a cutting board made by Jacob's uncle Robert. I've wanted one of these forever!
Reading cards together...
Oh, for those of you who haven't seen, these are our invitations...I love them!

The house is ready to start moving stuff now. The linoleum is in (and so pretty!) and the cabinets will be put in this week, I believe.

There's only two weeks and five days left now, so I'm going to start packing up my stuff and moving it out. I may be able to take a load out tomorrow when I go...we're going to spend tomorrow afternoon/evening moving all the gifts over to the house. I've got to pack up my stuff and start getting all of it over there now as well. Jacob said that he was going to be moving his stuff over soon too...he may end up moving there for good a few days prior to the wedding. We're going to be using his bed, so it needs to be over there before we move in, obviously! We're going to shoot for having everything moved beforehand so when we get back from the honeymoon everything's in order. Sounds like a good plan.

I've had a lot of people ask me what we need, and my answer has been "everything!" I suggested gift cards to some, but I know that's a little impersonal and all, to some people. So, this morning (I wanted to wait until after our shower) I went online to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and made a registry if anyone was interested in that. I never liked that idea, simply because it sounds like "here's what I me something!" BUT if people were planning on getting something anyway, I suppose it would be helpful to know what we want/need. You can find our registry by searching my name (Kayla Custer.) I believe we're also going to have another shower in a couple weeks, put on by a church we've been attending. People have been so sweet!

I've become slightly more overwhelmed thinking about furnishing everything for a house. Right now I am so used to having every kitchen tool I need at my fingertips...Mom's kitchen is well stocked with anything we need. It's become that way over 24 years (as of today...Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad!) of marriage, but it's what I've become accustomed to. So, it's a bit daunting to think about outfitting a kitchen from scratch! Same way with food...just common spices! I just know I'll be cooking something one day and freak out because I don't have cinnamon or worse yet, vanilla! This is where I insert a deep breath...

Now, Mom and Dad took of for Nashville for a couple days to celebrate their anniversary, so I'm homemaker and babysitter here for a few days. All the laundry needs to be done, the house needs a thorough cleaning, the green beans need picking and canning, the jalapenos need pickling, I need to finish a sewing project, and I'm starting to pack...all in 3 days' time. Translated, that means I really need to get off here and get busy!!!

See y'all!

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