As far as an update on everyone goes...Jacob and I are doing good. We lost a bunch of weight at the beginning of this year with Trim Healthy Mama. We slacked off a little in the past few months due to current events, Jacob has maintained a 30lb loss and I...well I apparently look at junk and gain weight, so I gained some of my 20lb loss back. Such is life right now. Jacob worked construction for a while this year but he’s been off work for a while recently, also due to current events.
Aaron is 4, and thinks he’s a big boy. He no longer naps and refers to Chloe and Oliver as “the kids” He’s a pretty funny little guy.
Chloe is 3 and has been in physical therapy for a while now and she now walks independently. Still doesn’t talk but I think it’ll come eventually. She’s just on her own time schedule. She’s still progressing, just a little slower than others.
Oliver is 1 1/2 and is something else. He talk a little and he’s super smart. I asked him a few days ago “what do you have?” And he answered “sump’n” 😂
Now for those current events. Seems like we can’t go more than a year without a major shift in life, so we sold our house and are almost done building one. We’re kinda outgrowing our house and Jacob has always wanted to build a house of our own, so we did. Jacob’s brother got married earlier this year and was in the market, so he bought our house. We’re building our house about 1/2 a mile from our current house.
We started by building an outbuilding/garage and that was at the beginning of September. We poured the foundation for the house at the beginning of October and the drywall is supposed to be finished this week. We’ve ordered cabinets and counters and painting and flooring is next. We’ve done a lot of it ourselves, and we’ve had a lot of help from family. Jacob’s dad helped with foundation blocks, Jacob and I did a lot of the blocks and then put in floor joists and sub flooring. Jacob’s cousin builds hous a so he and Jacob and Jacob’s uncle framed the whole thing up in like 16 days or something crazy. My dad helped Jacob wire it, his dad plumbed it, and right now a friend of ours is drywalling. It’s been a fast, crazy ride, for sure.
When we sold our house, we asked for two months before we had to move, and that’ll be up in a couple weeks. We’re hoping to be moved in by the first or second week of January. We can work on finishing touches after we’re in, but we did want to have at least the downstairs painted and have flooring in.
We looked at lots of house designs and decided that we both liked the barn style houses. So I sat down with graph paper and worked and worked on it...Jacob told me to draw a house and he’d build it. No one has a house just’s 100% ours. 😊 Now for some pictures!

^Our house from the main highway. Our driveway is off a smaller road.
Stairs...view from the front door.
I drew in a corner pantry and Jacob made it a reality. I’m going to have my dream kitchen! My stove will be centered on that short wall with small cabinets on either side. Back door there thru the hallway. Bathroom is on the right and laundry room is on the left.
Kitchen side. The dining space is in front of all those windows. The fridge will be on the wall on the right and then counter and sink will be on the long wall on the right, which ends at the corner pantry. The big opening on the left will be cased with stained beam-like wood and that’s the living room.
Upstairs bedrooms
Sewing/guest nook and closet to hide the stovepipe
play nook and half bath upstairs
living room
Boys room
Girls room
View from driveway
Our driveway
Pretty front door!
So there’s what we’ve been up too. At least I always have a good reason for not blogging. I'll try to post more pictures once it's more done!