Friday, July 19, 2013

A Few More Pictures

3 weeks...

5 weeks...

Baby feet!
We're all doing great and Aaron just keeps getting cuter and cuter! He still pretty much just sleeps and eats but he has started smiling sometimes which is just really really adorable! 

My grandpa came to see us and meet his great-grandson...
And here is my grandpa holding me...24 years ago!
I really got a kick out of this dad and grandpa in the floor ogling over Aaron and talking baby talk!
We're pretty tickled right now. :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Guys

My guys! :) Aren't they just adorable?!

Aaron's a month old and we're all doing great. He's already up to about 12lbs, and pretty much just eats and sleeps!

I end up posting more pictures on Facebook these days, (it's easier than uploading pics for my blog now) so feel free to add me there to see more pictures!